Submitted by Brandon Family on
Our firm recently received a bulletin from Ideal Identification’s Mr. Bob Smedley concerning a change in FBI policy relating to criminal background checks.
The FBI has informed the Florida Department of Law Enforcement that effective April 15, 2012, it will no longer accept fingerprint cards submissions for any domestic adoption. While the FBI will continue to take “hard card” fingerprint submissions for international adoption applicants, all domestic adoption applicants must submit their fingerprints electronically by live scan submission.
While this once meant that applicants needed to go to a local live scan site, or to meet personally with Bob, Ideal Identification is now able to mail prospective adoptive parents a Secure Fingerprint Card Scan Package, including FD-258 fingerprint cards, data input sheets with instructions, and a return envelope. So no matter where in the country prospective adoptive parents reside, if they are working on a Florida adoption, Ideal Identification can help them complete their criminal background screenings.
For more information, call our firm or call Bob directly toll-free at 866-288-6543. P.S. Bob is a great guy. If you meet him, ask him how he knows the famous animal activist Jack Hannah! It’s a great story.