The Brandon Family Law Center, LLC, enables clients to achieve their goals in divorce, usually without resorting to litigation. Our experienced divorce lawyer is both a compassionate counselor during a stressful time and a strong legal advocate who ensures you will not be cheated.
Whether you are contemplating ending a marriage, or the divorce is already under way, attorney Mary Greenwood McDermott can explain your rights, the process, and your legal options. We represent men and women of the Tampa Bay area in all aspects of divorce settlements, with an emphasis on mediation and negotiation over expensive courtroom battles.
Do not wait any longer, schedule an initial consultation by calling us at 813-653-1744 .
Practicing family law for more than 30 years, Mary Greenwood McDermott has extensive experience in dividing marital assets, including divorce cases with complex estates. We calculate valuation of homes and real estate, closely held businesses, and retirement funds, using tax returns and hiring experts as required to determine accurate values.
The court gives weight to a standing temporary order when determining who will have primary custody after divorce, so it is important to assert time-sharing status early in the process. We negotiate parenting agreements (shared physical custody, schedules and visitation) in sufficient detail to reduce future modifications.
Child support is determined by state formulas. Spousal support (alimony) is awarded at the discretion of the judge. Alimony is commonly granted in marriages of 20 years or more, and sometimes granted in marriages of a shorter term based on need and incomes of each spouse. We ensure the court has accurate information to reach a fair decision for our client.
We walk clients through all steps of Florida’s no-fault divorce process:
- A case management conference within the first 60 days to try to negotiate terms. We can help obtain temporary custody or child support during this phase.
- Mandatory mediation — Brandon Family Law Center, LLC, helps clients gather information about assets and liabilities to prepare for the mediator.
- Pre-trial discovery and negotiations — we subpoena bank records and ferret out hidden assets to uncover true income and joint property. Our firm proposes a fair and reasonable settlement that allows each party to move on in the new phase of their life.
- Litigation — As a last resort when negotiations break down, we will go to court and fiercely protect your fair share and your child’s best interests.
CALL US AT 813-653-1744
Mary Greenwood McDermott has practiced Adoption And Family since 1989, aided by Linda A. McDermott, FRP, an experienced paralegal. We understand that clients have anxieties about divorce, and are always available to answer questions at every stage of your case. Contact us today for experienced and sympathetic representation.