Snapshot of collaborative divorce
Submitted by Brandon Family on
There is no such thing as an “easy” divorce. How can it be easy to walk away from a person that you once loved or still love, but can no longer be with? You may value your friendship with your soon to be former spouse or, at the very least, still value having a functional relationship with them, especially if children are involved. In any case, do you truly want to destroy any amicable feelings that you both may have for each other, through the slash and dagger of the traditional divorce?
Florida divorce: consider collaboration as an alternative to litigation
Submitted by Brandon Family on
On behalf of Mary Greenwood McDermott
Collaborative divorce is a relatively recent process developed in response to the adversarial experience in traditional divorce.
Many people approaching divorce are not aware of a modern alternative to the traditional divorce trial in which the judge decides all contested issues for the couple. That alternative is collaborative divorce, a more dignified process in which the divorcing spouses agree to settle their issues through respectful negotiation instead of in contentious litigation.
Florida condo complex refuses to sell to unmarried gay or heterosexual couples
Submitted by Brandon Family on
The upscale condo complex, Casa Di Amici, now limits all sales of units to singles or married couples. Despite outrage that the new restrictions are discriminatory, a condo association lawyer argues the new guidelines are legal.
Condo refuses to sell to unmarried gay or heterosexual couples
A Florida condominium association won’t let unmarried couples purchase a home — after it released new restrictions this summer that barred couples “living in sin” from owning any property at the upscale complex.
And, despite public outcry, the new guidelines are legal.
Electronic fingerprinting mandated
Submitted by Brandon Family on
Our firm recently received a bulletin from Ideal Identification’s Mr. Bob Smedley concerning a change in FBI policy relating to criminal background checks.
The FBI has informed the Florida Department of Law Enforcement that effective April 15, 2012, it will no longer accept fingerprint cards submissions for any domestic adoption. While the FBI will continue to take “hard card” fingerprint submissions for international adoption applicants, all domestic adoption applicants must submit their fingerprints electronically by live scan submission.
An overview of child support under Florida law
Submitted by Brandon Family on
In Florida, both parents are legally obligated to provide support for their minor child or children and receipt of child support is considered a right of the child not the parents. The purpose of child support is to ensure that the child’s basic needs for food, clothing and shelter are met and, additionally, to allow the child to share in the wealth and good fortune of the parent’s.
Adoption profile: Denise’s Story
Submitted by Brandon Family on
My story begins as most stories do, with a desire.
My desire was to have a family; my dream was a big family, husband and 3 or 4 children. But little did I know that would not be my life. Looking back I see purpose for my singleness in being a co-caregiver for my mother, my mentor, I was able to help care for and be there for her as she had stood beside me. I almost wish that I had started this process before her passing because she would have been a really good Grandmother.
Adoption profile: David and Stacy’s Story
Submitted by Brandon Family on
Not long ago we adopted a little girl. As first time parents, we are both a bit surprised by how quickly she became the center of our world.
Our adoption experience was a story in itself, but space does not suffice to tell it here. There were bitter disappointments along the way, but in the end great joy.